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About The Song

A Duet of Longing: Gene Watson and Rhonda Vincent’s “This Wanting You”

In the realm of country music, few pairings can match the vocal prowess and heartfelt harmonies of Gene Watson and Rhonda Vincent. Their voices, each a testament to the genre’s rich tradition, intertwine seamlessly in a duet that epitomizes the power of love and longing – “This Wanting You”.

Released in 2011 as part of their collaborative album “Your Money and My Good Looks”, “This Wanting You” is a classic country ballad that paints a vivid portrait of two souls yearning for each other amidst the trials of separation. Watson’s smooth, baritone voice takes the lead, weaving a tale of unwavering devotion and the ache of missed connections. Vincent’s crystal-clear soprano harmonizes beautifully, adding a touch of tenderness and emotional depth to the narrative.

The song’s opening lines, “I wake up every morning, missing you so bad”, set the stage for a journey through the depths of longing. Watson’s voice, imbued with a palpable sense of longing, captures the universality of love’s bittersweet ache. Vincent’s harmonies intertwine, adding a layer of empathy and understanding to the singer’s emotional outpouring.

As the verses unfold, the singers trade lines, each expressing their unwavering love and the yearning for reunion. The lyrics, penned by Bruce Bouton, Bruce Burch, and T. Graham Brown, capture the essence of love’s resilience, its ability to endure despite distance and time.

The chorus, a poignant declaration of love’s persistence, serves as the song’s emotional anchor. “This wanting you is gonna kill me, some day”, Watson sings, his voice laced with both desperation and hope. Vincent’s harmonies echo his sentiment, amplifying the emotional intensity of the moment.

The bridge provides a momentary shift in perspective, offering a glimpse of the singer’s determination to overcome the obstacles that keep them apart. “I’ll keep on trying, baby, ’til I get to you”, Watson vows, his voice filled with unwavering resolve. Vincent’s harmonies underscore his determination, adding a touch of unwavering faith to the declaration.

The song’s final verse and chorus bring the emotional journey to a crescendo, with Watson and Vincent’s voices intertwining in a powerful expression of longing and love. The final notes fade into silence, leaving the listener with a lingering sense of the song’s profound message – the enduring power of love to transcend distance and time.

“This Wanting You” is a testament to the enduring power of country music to capture the complexities of love and longing. Gene Watson and Rhonda Vincent’s masterful duet elevates the song to new heights, their voices blending seamlessly to create an emotional resonance that lingers long after the final note has faded.
